On Saturday morning our Family pictures plan was thwarted once again... Aiden fell down and scrapped his little chin! It never fails! Something aways happens when I book that appointment. I've made up my mind, no more appointments for pictures. Next time i'll just get he kids ready and go. Anyhoo.... that meant that we didn't have any plans for Saturday so we decided to take a mini-vacation. We got in the truck and went to a little place called Sylvan Lake. It is located about and hour and a half North of Calgary. Sylvan Lake is a provincial park town and is absolutely beautiful. Here are some pics from our day.
Aidenand Emma in their strollers
Emma and Aiden in their strollers
Sylvan Lake Marina. The huge waterslide. There was at least 100 people in the line-up.
View of the lake and my babies
Me and the kids & my Hubby